Become a friend, get involved, take a stand for a sanctuary like no other.
Long live Sierra Gorda! ¡Viva!








Sierra Gorda


Become a friend,
get involved,
and take a stand
for a sanctuary

like no other

Long Live
Sierra Gorda

“Sierra Gorda ...a place little short of spectacular – a glimpse of the Old West that has vanished virtually everywhere else in North America.” 
Scott Weidensaul, Return to Wild America: a yearlong search for the continents natural soul. © 2005, p.180


ACTION ALERT - WE WON Exposition in Colonial Queretaro City
"The heart of Mexico, The Sierra Gorda of Queretaro A World Biosphere Reserve"
November 08 - March 09


 Full article

Take part in the journey towards sustainability and biodiversity

                    The WELLNESS of family and community:

Children, adults, and elders are changing household behaviors towards conservation, restoration, and the sustainable management of limited renewable natural resources in response to education and outreach to raise awareness and create new habits and skills. 




Join the efforts of the local population to balance the quality of life (recycling, soil retention, water quality, reforestations, organic agriculture, cooperative enterprises) and increase respect for nature.


The WELLNESS of the individual—

Local citizens are changing the fate of a whole bio-region in Central Mexico.  You can help raise awareness, self-esteem and skills among youth and adults, especially women, for a sustainable livelihood through our local partners.  Today, traditional activities such as embroidery and prepared foodstuffs are adding value to the region’s economy in addition to new trade skills and ethical ecotourism.


The WELLNESS of nature—

Natural protected areas are our inheritance, the source of environmental services vital to our survival. Together we must act to protect and sustain one of the most biodiverse reserves of our continent.  By supporting Sierra Gorda you promote the involvement of all the individuals, families, communities and governmental authorities to protect the jaguar, green macaw, black bear and the unseen wildlife.

“Here in the Sierra Gorda we know that it is not convenient to do away with the trees; with my 85 years I can tell you that over time I have seen that where there are woods there are springs and there is life.  The youth go to the [USA] to seek fortune and when they come back they don’t know
how or they don’t want to work the fields.

Our region requires knowledge, awareness and roots, we have to conserve a love for the Earth that gave us birth, because if we as Serranos don’t do something for this land, others aren’t going to do it either.”

 A testimony by Don Teodomiro Benítez, resident.

Sierra Gorda: A green jewel in Central Mexico.
Mega-photo  exposition by Fulvio Eccardi 

Long live Sierra Gorda:       

   Buy Sierra Gorda Products to support the regional economy through our website links:

   Live the experience through Sierra Gorda Ecotours

   Contact us to organize Sierra Gorda speaker events, fundraisers or specific proposals

• Donate to Viva Sierra Gorda, a Project of Earth Island Institute

 Sierra Gorda’s successful social strategy for
long-term conservation spans 20 years and is in the process of measuring its impact in order to share this experience with the world.
  Be a part of it.  Join Viva Sierra Gorda by becoming a Friend,make your contribution to:

Viva Sierra Gorda/Earth Island Institute

Mail to:
2150 Allston Way, Suite 460
Berkeley, California
USA 94704 - 1375


Viva Sierra Gorda is a project of Earth Island Institute


 “And so [Sierra Gorda] was a revelation to me: a cloud forest of majestic oaks, cedars and firs a hundred feet tall, draped with mosses and spangled with bromeliads – a soaring, humbling place.  This is the real treasure of the Sierra Madre.” Scott Weidensaul, Return to Wild America: a yearlong search for the continents natural soul. © 2005. 


Viva Sierra Gorda is a project of     Earth Island Institute.