Become a friend, get involved, take a stand for a sanctuary like no other.
Long live Sierra Gorda! ¡Viva!



Why do Sierra Gorda wildlands need you?


Why now?  Sierra Gorda wildlands are inevitably under greater threat today than in the last 20 years.  The global economic crisis has hit the Sierra Gorda residents with decreasing remittances and more migrant workers returning without local employment opportunities.  Despite the federal regulations against changing land-use implied by being within a Biosphere Reserve, unfortunately the weakest link is where there is no surveillance and access is limited.   

Donate to Viva Sierra Gorda  to Rescue Wildlands  in the Sierra Gorda Biosphere Reserve in Querétaro State, Mexico.  Currently 3000 hectares (7,423 acres) are for sale. Donate to create  a permanent biological corridor along the Eastern Sierra Madre with surveillance and management services included.  Protect biodiversity and you guarantee vital environmental services - including the storage of carbon provided by healthy ecosystems.  
Don´t let the awe of nature become the stuff of storytellers, give the gift of nature.

Your contribution to protect these wild sanctuaries is a global good that provides refuge to endangered and endemic species and fights climate change by protecting stored carbon, maintaining the forest barrier against hurricanes and retaining the natural structure of forests and jungles that not too long ago covered the Mexican landscape all the way south to Chiapas.