Become a friend, get involved, take a stand for a sanctuary
like no other.
Long live Sierra Gorda! ¡Viva!
Thanks to the donors
in 2008 - 2009
GGF has
supported community-based micro-enterprises in the
Sierra Gorda Biosphere Reserve, especially Highlander Rural
By-Products (Derivados el Campo Serrano)
Viva Sierra Gorda Members and Donors:
Cloud Forest Steward donor:
Sondra Langle
Family Foundation
Steve Knaebel
Anonymous in-kind
donation from San Francisco
Thanks to Dorothy Yuki for providing training and support to the La
Colgada cooperative "Embroidery with Nature Themes" and for
donating her skills in developing a new logo for the regional
products trademark used for microenterprises that work with
Products and Services Sierra Gorda S.A. de C.V.
Viva Sierra Gorda is a project of
Earth Island Institute.